Tag: free TTRPG

  • Open Source TTRPG Resources

    Open Source TTRPG Resources

    This entry is part 7 of 7 in the series TTRPG Advice

    Here’s a collection of forever open licensed tabletop roleplaying games and resources. Borrowed from and inspired by the Forever Open Source RPG game jam series.

    Example Open Licenses

    A woman in a flowing dress enjoys peaceful moments in a vast, cloudy landscape.

    Open Source RPG Resources

    Quick Choices

    Open SRDs

    • 24XX, lo-fi sci-fi RPG SRD.
    • BInAS (Balanced Integrated Attribute System) SRD, d12-based system built around pairs of attributes between which the player chooses a balancing or pivot point at which the two meet.
    • Breathless, a creation toolkit that helps you design a game where every mechanic ratchets tension up to dangerous consequences.
    • The Buddy System, perfect for story-based character driven games where characters are stronger together.
    • Carta, a toolkit for making exploration focused solo RPGs.
    • Duels SRD, a unique resource to make games about bardic dueling!
    • DramaSystem, the system used in Hillfolk by Pelgrane Press.
    • EMERGE8, for TTRPGs you design as you play.
    • GOSS (GrimOgre Storytelling System), a mostly diceless system with haggling over action details, inspired by Nobilis and Engel.
    • Hopes & Dreams SRD, goal focused system that puts player characters against what they dread the most in every single roll.
    • Peregrine SRD, toolkit for creating card-based solo journaling games.
    • Push SRD, lightweight, story-driven RPG system designed for cooperative, action-packed adventures.
    • The Resistance Toolbox, the same rules that power Heart and Spire.
    • Threads of Lachesis, create solo games or generators with branched random prompts that the player organizes into a cohesive sequence via a single roll.
    • We Love In Whispers (WLW), create GM-less diceless games of romance and politics using a block tower and deck of cards.

    Open Games

    A man in a plaid shirt reaches for poker chips on a white surface, depicting a gambling scene.

    • Anamnesis, solo journaling RPG about self-discovery, reflection, and identity.
    • Anima Prime RPG, a fast-paced RPG inspired by JRPGs and action fantasy anime.
    • Babes in the Woods 2e, encounter the peculiar folks who reside within and help solve their problems while confronting your own relationships & fears.
    • Blades in the Dark, an extremely popular game with toolkit for making “Forged in the Dark” games.
    • Cairn, about exploring a dark & mysterious Wood filled with strange folk, hidden treasure, and unspeakable monstrosities.
    • Dinosaur Wizards In Space, exactly what it says on the label: DINOSAUR WIZARDS IN SPACE.
    • Fellowship, about going on an adventure, in the same vein as Lord of the Rings or Wakfu or Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders.
    • Liminal Sea: Dream, a game emphasizing why characters are acting and who they are while following dream logic.
    • Malandros, a tabletop role-playing game of swindlers and street fighters, of love, hate and community in the last days of imperial Brazil.
    • Monolithscience-fiction adventure game for one Game Master (GM) and at least one other player.
    • Pommel, tabletop roleplaying game with an emphasis on roleplay over rules. Made for the Minimalist TTRPG Jam by Binary Star Games.
    • Rainworlda love letter to janky early-90s rules, dystopian SF settings, and dad jokes disguised as flavour text.
    • Rascalsminimalist OSR TTRPG based on Ben Milton’s Knave and the Italian fork written by Francisco Pettigiani: Canaglie.
    • Swamp Troll Witches, be a troll witch! Live in a swamp! Solve problems! Brew potions! Relax with a hot bath! Live your best troll witch life!
    • Thirsty Sword Lesbians SRD (Sapphic Reference Document), (shop link), the famous game of sword wielding lesbians (licensing info).
    • Whispers In The Walls, a solo journaling RPG about the knowledge of the walls. You play it by yourself in the dark.


    • Beyond the Spozak, a sprawling public domain (CC0) science fiction universe!
    • The Oz books from Wonderful Wizard of Oz through to (as of 2025) Jack Pumpkinhead of Oz (the 1st through 23rd books).
    • Anything you can find in the public domain at Project Gutenberg.



    Even More Resources

    A cozy library space in Stockholm with brown leather chairs and wooden bookshelves filled with books.

    More SRDs

    • Aspire SRD, a framework for designing narrative-driven TTRPGs featuring turning points that change both the stakes and the rules.
    • Bad Time Game SRD, a d4 based system that results in inevitable failure.
    • BFB SRD, for those who’d like to build on and/or adapt the rules and ideas found in Beak, Feather, & Bone, a tabletop roleplaying game by Tyler Crumrine.
    • Core Micro, blends traditional RPG concepts with narrative techniques to create unpredictable character-driven stories.
    • Ebon Fantasy Essencea robust mid-crunch OSR-style system.
    • ENI, ruleset for RPGs focused on collaborative storytelling, meaningful choices, and growing tension.
    • Fantasy EMERGE, a version of the EMERGE8 SRD tuned specifically for fantasy roleplaying games.
    • Firelight Creator Kit, a condensed and open licensed solo/co-op role-playing game about a guided journey across a plagued land, inspired by the Metroivania video game genre.
    • Four Points, a TTRPG SRD focused on the aforementioned 4 points of player agency, narrative, characters, and customisation.
    • The Grove System, a unique system for building and exploring communities, with a macro phase for influencing communities directly.
    • Guided by Sun SRD, a GM-less, card-based system, telling the story of a protagonist undertaking a journey and making friends along the way.
    • Heroic Tales, genre-neutral role-playing system of heroic problem solving.
    • Initiated SRD, four-page ruleset for mechanically leveraged storytelling.
    • Ironsworn SRD, based on the famous GM-less and solo capable game.
    • Journey Tarot SRD, uses tarot cards and archetypal symbolism to tell stories through single-player tabletop games.
    • Lay On Hands SRD, for modifying the unique post-apocalyptic solo game Lay On Hands.
    • Knave is a toolkit for building classless OSR games.
    • MiniBX SRD, an attempt to make That Game our own. More than a minimalistic hack, a new rule set.
    • OZR, a lightweight framework for running OSR-ish adventures.
    • Personae SRD, where the curious investigate mysteries, explore paradoxes and delve into the hidden truths of the omniverse.
    • RISE SRD, guide players in 3 Acts to get to know their characters, scaffolding difficulty as you play along through your game.
    • Second Guess System SRD. What if each time you rolled a prompt over again you had to admit to something that you had lied about previously in that prompt?
    • Sigil SRD, Creative Commons licensed SRD for The Sigil System, gritty lethal rules meant to put all your skills to the test.
    • Striders SRD, English translation of Frontearth Striders Source Reference Document (SRD), about explorers striding through a turbulent world and being dragged into all sorts of problems.
    • Tapestry SRD, a word association storytelling games that fit in a mint tin.
    • Tavern Dice, a single dice system designed for narrative play powering your entire world with a single d12!
    • The Goblin Pulls Out A Gun, a TTRPG tech pack to make a GM-less opposed dice pool system.
    • Total//Effect, a fast, modular, configurable TTRPG system.
    • Trophy SRD, build your own rules-light, risk-heavy games.
    • Untold Narrative Options SRD, mechanic pack containing combat and skill check mechanics for Role-Playing Games (RPGs) using a set of hobby dice and a standard Uno card deck.
    • VEN6 SRD, storytelling roleplaying game system with conflict mechanics and a GM option.
    • VRBS SRD, ultralight system for creating highly improvisational role-playing games that reward creative heroic action.
    • Wretched & Alone, a unique card and tower based solo system.

    More Games

    • Agouro, narrative game of inevitable prophecies, inspired by Tarot cards and dark fantasy stories like Kentaro Miura’s Berserk and Netflix’s The Witcher.
    • BREATHE LIFE INTO THESE BONES, some jackass necromancer just raised your bones back to life and you’re a reanimated skeleton.
    • Brighter Worldswhimsical fantasy tabletop RPG with modular crunch.
    • EMPLOYEE, one-page simple adventure game that based on daily activities of a professional employee working in a professional corporate office.
    • Gratitudea storytelling game about trying to please an unknowable god-being in the hopes of being able to leave this terrible place.
    • GrimBlade, light and fast-paced roleplaying game of adventures and stories set within an implied grim fantasy world.
    • High Moon, western/fantasy-themed classless TTRPG with an emphasis on tough character-building choices and practice-based skill progression system.
    • Iron Edda, lets you tell stories of brave warriors, Jarls, Bonebonded giants, and their defense of their holdfasts.
    • Ironsworn, an iconic TTRPG famous for its GM-less and solo play modes.
    • It Wasn’t Supposed To Happen Like This, something has gone horribly wrong. Your spirit leaves your body. Can you find a way to save yourself?
    • Liminal Horror, rules-lite, fail forward tabletop role playing game with investigators navigating a modern world full of terrible and unknowable things that hide in the spaces between.
    • Plerion, a sci-fi hack from Cairn designed to play radiant space opera
    • Ringmail, a framework for reintroduce the style of play of the Wargame that preceded “the most famous RPG ever”
    • Thálassa, adventure game for one facilitator (the odigós) and at least one other player.
    • The Lurking Fear, lightweight simulationist investigative horror ttrpg in the style of classic horror tabletop games.
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  • Free Duo Game: The Immortal’s Affairs

    Free Duo Game: The Immortal’s Affairs

    This entry is part 2 of 4 in the series Free Games

    The Immortal’s Affairs – A TTRPG About Legacy and the Passage of Time

    Dug up from my slush pile, inspired by this post about dice labels. I never got around to fully fleshing this out. But it’s quite playable as-is. 

    A man wearing a white suit with angel wings, sitting by an old building outdoors.

    Welcome to The Immortal’s Affairs, a two-player tabletop roleplaying game about a dying immortal and their final journey toward peace. This game invites players to explore themes of time, legacy, and closure, as one immortal, weary from centuries of existence, seeks to settle their affairs before their inevitable passing. The second player assumes the role of Mother Nature, the ancient force of the world itself, who has come to observe the Immortal’s passing and learn from this unique being. Together, you will navigate the challenges and emotions of final goodbyes, unfinished business, and the ultimate acceptance of death.

    Game Overview

    The Immortal is an ancient being who has lived for centuries but is now aging, their time in the world coming to a close. They have come to accept the inevitability of death, finding peace in the idea of rest after so many long years. However, before they can pass, they have five complex, unresolved affairs they wish to settle, matters that, if left unfinished, could weigh on their soul forever.

    Mother Nature is the spirit of the world, the embodiment of the Earth’s cycles and forces. She has witnessed countless lives, but the Immortal stands out. Mother Nature has come to understand the Immortal’s existence, and now seeks to understand why the Immortal was created and why their passing is now inevitable. She inhabits the people and places around the Immortal, observing them, interacting with them, and learning about the Immortal’s journey. Perhaps the Immortal’s passing is not just about death but about something deeper, the meaning of their long life and their eventual end.

    Game Roles

    Those key figures are also the main game roles. Each player takes on one of the roles, while the other player takes the other.

    • The Immortal: One player takes the role of The Immortal. This character is an ancient being nearing the end of their life, filled with wisdom, regrets, and unfinished business. They will use their Approaches to navigate the world and attempt to resolve their five chosen affairs.
    • Mother Nature: The second player becomes Mother Nature, the spirit of the world. You embody the forces of nature, inhabiting the world around the Immortal and learning about their history, their motivations, and their end. You are not just an observer! You interact with the Immortal, guiding them or complicating their journey as you see fit.

    Core Mechanics

    Three red transparent dice stacked on a dark surface, highlighting their reflective surfaces and dots.

    The gameplay is driven by narrative choices, dice rolls, and thematic exploration. Through these mechanics, you will tell the story of the Immortal’s final moments and the legacy they leave behind. Below is an overview of the key mechanics you’ll need to understand.

    Approaches and Dice Rolls

    Approaches: The Immortal character has 6 Approaches to choose from at the beginning of the game. Approaches represent the Immortal’s personality and guiding principles. They can range from qualities like Aggressive and Bold to Humble and Resilient. These approaches shape how the Immortal reacts to challenges, interacts with the world, and solves problems. Each time the Immortal takes an action, they choose three of their Approaches to guide them. The three Approaches are linked to the dice they roll during that action, and each die reflects a different aspect of the action:

    • Low Roll (1-2): The action fails or leads to unintended consequences. The Immortal’s attempt doesn’t align with their intentions and creates complications.
    • Middle Roll (3-4): The action succeeds in some capacity, but it may not be as clean or satisfying as hoped. The Immortal’s approach may feel incomplete or leave room for further work.
    • High Roll (5-6): The action succeeds beautifully. The Immortal’s approach is effective and their intention is realized fully, often beyond their expectations.
    • Weirdness (optional 3rd die): If only two Approaches are chosen, a third die can be rolled that represents the weirdness and surreal aspects of the Immortal’s existence. This die adds unexpected twists and dreamlike elements to the outcome.

    At the beginning of the game, the Immortal selects 6 Approaches from the following list. These approaches will guide their actions throughout the game and shape how they interact with the world: Apathetic, Assertive, Bold, Brave, Calm, Careful, Compassionate, Creative, Curious, Cunning, Decisive, Determined, Dreamer, Friendly, Grateful, Honest, Humble, Honorable, Impulsive, Inventive, Patient, Proud, Reckless, Resilient, Resourceful, Sarcastic, Shrewd, Stoic, Thoughtful, Understanding, Vulnerable

    World Events and Time Pressure

    Classic black analog alarm clock on rustic wooden background, perfect for time and nostalgia themes.

    World Events: The Immortal’s journey is not just about the affairs they are attempting to settle, there is an ever-present, unpredictable element of the world around them. Every time the Immortal rolls for an action, Mother Nature must roll a d6 to determine if a World Event occurs. On a roll of 1, something happens that radically changes the world around the Immortal or complicates one of their affairs. These events can take many forms:

    • A sudden illness or injury affects the Immortal.
    • An ally betrays the Immortal or a new foe appears.
    • The world around the Immortal changes dramatically, shifting the stakes of their affairs.
    • The Immortal learns something surprising or unsettling about themselves or their past.

    If 5 World Events occur, the Immortal’s time runs out, and they begin to die. At this point, they must face the final consequences of their unfinished affairs. The game shifts toward the negative end, leaving the Immortal with unresolved regrets and a legacy left incomplete. The number of World Events keeps both players on their toes, adding a layer of unpredictability and pressure to the Immortal’s quest for closure.

    Settling Affairs

    Choosing Affairs: At the beginning of the game, the Immortal player must choose five complex affairs to resolve before they die. These affairs represent significant emotional, relational, or practical matters that the Immortal must confront in their final moments. The affairs can be as grand or as intimate as the player desires. What is most important is that each affair feels like a key part of the Immortal’s journey toward peace.

    Some examples of affairs might include:

    • Saying Goodbye to an Old Friend: The Immortal must reconcile with someone from their past, perhaps a person they betrayed or neglected.
    • Releasing Control of My Empire: The Immortal may have built an empire, and now they must ensure its future without them.
    • Forgiving a Betrayer: The Immortal must come to terms with a past betrayal that still weighs heavily on them.
    • Finding Peace with My Past: The Immortal may be haunted by past mistakes or regrets and needs to find a way to make peace.
    • Reconciliation with a Loved One: The Immortal must heal a fractured relationship, perhaps with a partner or child.

    Time Limits: Each affair should be structured to take between 3 and 7 rolls to resolve, and the number of World Events that occur during the game will shorten the time remaining. The Immortal is under time pressure, and though they may wish to take their time, their final moments are always slipping away. Players should balance the Immortal’s need for closure with the unpredictability of the world around them.

    The Empathy Mechanic

    Mother Nature’s Role: As Mother Nature, you are not just a passive observer of the Immortal’s journey. You can actively shape the Immortal’s path. One of the key ways you interact with the Immortal is through dreams and reflections. These moments provide an opportunity for the Immortal and Mother Nature to understand each other better, to share perspectives, and to gain insight into their respective roles in this world.

    Empathy and Understanding: Throughout the game, Mother Nature appears to the Immortal in dreams or moments of reflection.  This happens after each affair is handled. During these conversations, the Immortal and Mother Nature can share their thoughts and feelings, gaining a deeper understanding of each other. If the two come to a full mutual understanding, the Immortal can gain 1 additional completed affair of their choice. If they come to a partial understanding, the Immortal automatically succeeds at their next action. If they reach no understanding, Mother Nature will be difficult or slightly hostile during the next affair settling, frustrated by the lack of needed insight. These moments of emotional connection can significantly influence the Immortal’s ability to resolve their affairs, offering insight into their heart and motivations. It is also a way for Mother Nature to more deeply engage with the events of the game.

    Endgame Resolution

    Close-up portrait of a woman with tears on her face, conveying emotion.

    The story of the Immortal concludes in one of three ways, depending on how well the affairs are settled:

    • Positive Resolution: If the Immortal completes all five affairs in time, they pass away peacefully, their soul at rest, having reconciled with the past and the future. Their death is a moment of calm acceptance and fulfillment.
    • Negative Resolution: If time runs out, the Immortal dies with unfinished business, leaving regrets and a legacy that will never be complete. The end comes with uncertainty, perhaps even sorrow for what could not be done.
    • Mixed Resolution: If the Immortal makes it through all five affairs with some left in a bad state or unfinished, they are rewarded for the completion with an ending that starts like the positive resolution. However, their moments of peace and comfort are interrupted by doubts and regrets about the improperly finished affairs.

    Example of an Affair in Play

    Affair: “Saying Goodbye to an Old Friend”

    • Preceding Actions: The Immortal tried to play it off smoothly, but the friend was put on edge knowing something was up. The friend was convinced to play a parlour game a bit as a distraction, they eventually became suspicious. Desperate for more time to just enjoy their friend’s company, The Immortal proposed an outing to the movies but they put the friend on full alert, who demanded immediate answers. So far, no World Events were rolled. Now the Immortal is making their last attempt.
    • The Immortal’s Roll: The Immortal uses the Approaches Friendly, Resilient, and Inventive.
    • Bad Roll (1, 6, 2): The Immortal tries to express their feelings, but their words fall far short (perhaps even coming across as insulting or demeaning), and their old friend feels distant and confused.
    • Middle Roll (6, 2, 4): The Immortal manages a bittersweet goodbye. Their friendship and love is clear, but the moment is far from ideal, too-clever-by-half word choices and uncontrollable tears leaving both parties with unanswered questions.
    • Good Roll (6, 4, 5): The Immortal shares their feelings fully and insightfully, and their friend understands them completely. While there are a few tears, they part with love and peace, each knowing they are truly understood.

    Mother Nature’s Dream Interaction: After the Immortal has made some progress on their affairs, Mother Nature may appear to them in a dream, where they reflect on the Immortal’s life. They talk about the meaning of friendship and how the goodbye ended and what it means to The Immortal. Mother Nature has a hard time fully grasping the pain, as all things pass in nature. Similarly, The Immortal still feels the pain of loss each time after all these years and cannot understand Mother Nature’s “callous” attitude. But they come to a mutual understanding about fondness and love, as pairing and bonding are common in nature, even if the love of friendship is unique. The Immortal’s first action next affair will automatically succeed.


    The Immortal’s Affairs is a game about time, legacy, and the search for closure. In the end, the Immortal will either die in peace or with unfinished business, but the journey of completing their affairs and understanding their purpose offers a deep, emotional experience for both players. Through the mechanic of rolling dice, the unpredictability of World Events, and the heart-to-heart conversations between Mother Nature and the Immortal, this game provides an immersive, thoughtful exploration of life’s most poignant moments.

    What do you think of this game? Have you tried to play it? Are you taking any inspiration from it? Are you planning to hack it? I’d love to hear about any of that. Come scream at me on Bluesky about it!

    This game is released under a Creative Commons Attribution license. Just give credit to Rev Casey or Thought Punks as a source.

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  • About Us

    About Us

    About Thought Punks

    At Thought Punks, we’re here for the storytellers: the dreamers, the improvisers, the people who love rolling dice as much as spinning wild tales. We make indie tabletop RPGs that are approachable, flexible, and designed to spark creativity. Thought Punks creates TTRPGs and storytelling tools that embrace bold ideas, innovative mechanics, and a do-it-yourself spirit.

    Motif Story Engine: Stories Powered by Chance

    At the core of Thought Punks is the Motif Story Engine, a dice oracle system that transforms the randomness of dice rolls into the building blocks of a story. This isn’t your standard RPG mechanic! Motif uses dice outcomes to create prompts, twists, and opportunities, acting as both a collaborator and a source of narrative tension. Whether you’re crafting an intense noir mystery, an epic sci-fi odyssey, or a quiet personal drama, Motif provides the structure and flexibility to make your story shine.

    It’s designed to be:

    • Intuitive: No need to juggle charts or dense rules. You roll, interpret, and keep the story moving.
    • Flexible: Whether you’re solo gaming, running a GM-lite session, or crafting a new game from scratch, the dice oracle adapts to your style.
    • Engaging: Every roll brings a story beat to life, whether it’s a sudden twist, a major success, or something complicates everything in the best way possible.
    • Solo and GM-Lite Friendly: You don’t need a huge group to enjoy Motif. It’s perfect for solo players and low-prep GMs who want deep stories without spending hours prepping encounters or memorizing rules.

    The Motif Story Engine isn’t just a mechanic, it’s a philosophy. It powers many of our games and is available as an open toolkit for creators to build their own RPGs. Check out the Motif SRD to see how you can make it your own.

    Our Games

    Thought Punks is home to a variety of RPGs that stretch across genres and tones. Each one is designed to take advantage of Motif’s dynamic storytelling power while offering something distinct and memorable.

    • NEVER Stop Smiling: A dystopian RPG where enforced happiness hides a world of surveillance and repression. Perfect for players who love exploring dark, surreal themes and pushing against systems of control.
    • Dinosaur Wizards In Space: Dinosaurs. Magic. Space. This lighthearted two-page RPG delivers exactly what it promises: chaotic, imaginative fun with minimal prep and maximum energy.

    Beyond Games: Experimentation and Community

    Thought Punks thrives on creativity, and we believe the best ideas often come from collaboration and experimentation. That’s why we embrace game jams, community hashtag days, and unconventional approaches to RPG design. From wild one-page experiments to digital tools like the Motif Oracle Notebook, we’re always exploring tabletop games.

    We’re also here to support the wider RPG community. Whether it’s through sharing tools like the Motif SRD or engaging with creators and players online, we believe in the power of mutual inspiration.

    Why Choose Thought Punks?

    We’re not here to be a big, polished corporation or dominate the TTRPG market. Our approach is simple: we make games that stand out. We focus on simplicity without sacrificing depth. Whether you’re looking for bold mechanics, unique stories, or tools to create your own adventures, Thought Punks has something for you. We focus on:

    • Creative freedom: Our games give you the tools to shape your stories the way you want to tell them.
    • Innovation: From dice oracle mechanics to genre-blending concepts, we love breaking new ground.
    • Accessibility: We keep our designs easy to pick up and play, whether you’re gaming solo, with friends, or trying something completely new.

    Join the Punk Movement

    Explore our games on DriveThruRPG and Itch.io, or visit us on Bluesky. Whether you’re looking for your next fun TTRPG or a new way to create your own, Thought Punks is here to fuel your imagination.

    Let’s make stories that matter, together.

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  • Welcome to Thought Punks!

    Welcome to Thought Punks!

    Empowering Stories. Simple Tools. Endless Possibilities.

    Dive into the world of Motif Story Engine, where storytelling thrives. Whether you’re exploring solo adventures or crafting GM-lite experiences with friends, our system is here to fuel your creativity. Discover the core Motif Toolkit SRD, doing a full walkthrough of the Motif approach and concepts.

    Check Out Our Blog

    Join us as we share deep dives into TTRPG design, creative processes, and insights into making your games unforgettable. Let’s shape the future of storytelling together! Read the blog!

    Use the Motif Oracle Notebook

    Rev built the Motif Oracle Notebook for your solo plays and play notes! It includes a Motif roller, game dice roller, PDF reader, and multiple note fields for you to record your character, play journal and other notes. Give it a spin live right here on the site! And you can also grab the source code from GitHub (it is a pure HTML/Javascript app that will run offline direct from your file system).

    Browse Our Games

    From whimsical to intense, explore our collection of games powered by Motif and beyond. Notable titles include NEVER Stop Smiling and No Angels Live Here—each offering unique narratives and engaging mechanics.

    Ready to start your adventure? Explore our collection and blog to unlock the storyteller within!

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